Here is my full reading list, in order issue-by-issue! My current location is marked by an arrow.

Swamp Thing #1-19

Swamp Thing -45

Crisis on Infinite Earths

Swamp Thing -50

Batman: Year One

Green Arrow: The Wonder Year

Batman: Long Halloween

Batman: Dark Victory

JLA: Year One

The Question -11

Swamp Thing -56

JL -4

JL Annual

JL -6

JLI -8

Swamp Thing -64

Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters

Killing Joke

-> Green Arrow -8

The Question -20

Animal Man -5

Hellblazer -8

Swamp Thing -75


Swamp Thing


Swamp Thing


Start Sandman at any point here

JLI -21 (+ SS )

Death in the Family

Cosmic Odyssey

Green Arrow -16

The Question -30

JLI -25

JLA -30

Green Arrow -24

Hellblazer -26

Animal Man -14

JLE -10 (+ JLA -32)

The Question -36

Hellblazer -33

Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying

JLE -12


Green Arrow -33

JLA -36

Animal Man -26

HB – Books of Magic -4


JLE -19

GA -43

HB -50

JLA -50 (+Quarterly -4)

GA -56

JLE -28

JL: Breakdown

The Flash -65

HB -56

JLE -44

Green Arrow -72

HB -61

JLE -50

Finish JLI omnis (except Formerly Known)

Death/Return Superman

The Flash -79

HB -69

Green Arrow -80


HB -76

The Flash -94

Zero Hour

The Flash

The Flash -100

HB -84 (now open until )

Kingdom Come

The Flash -119

The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes

JLA: The Nail

JLA: Midsummer Nightmare

JLA -10

The Flash -134

JLA -15

The Flash -138

Superman for All Seasons

JLA -23

Martian -10

JLA -31

No Man’s Land

The Flash -150

JSA starts

JLA -41

Martian Manhunter -24

The Flash -159

Martian -36


JLA: Heavens Ladder

JLA -54

The Flash -178

The Flash: Iron Heights

The Flash

JLA -61

***Young Justice starts

The Flash -182

Bruce Wayne: Murderer?

Bruce Wayne: Fugitive

JLA -64

Batman: Hush

Batman: Under the Red Hood

The Flash -188

JLA -76

JLA/JSA Secret File

JLA/JSA Vice and Virtue

The Flash -194

Gotham Central

Hellblazer -193

JLA -83

The Dark Knight Returns

The Flash -206

JLA -90

Formerly Known as the Justice League (JLI Vol 3)

Superman/Batman -13

HB -200

Superman: Red Son


The Flash -212

HB -215 (now open until end)

Teen Titans -19

Identity Crisis

The Flash

Identity Crisis -3

The Flash

Identity Crisis

The Flash

Identity Crisis

The Flash

Identity Crisis -7

The Flash -219

Teen Titans -23

Superman/Batman -25

Green Lantern -6

Teen Titans -26

The Flash /2, -225

JLA -119

Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Origins

JLA -123

Infinite Crisis

Teen Titans -31

Green Lantern -8

Infinite Crisis -4

Teen Titans , Annual



Infinite -7


Green Lantern


All-Star Superman


Green Lantern -13

Green Lantern Corps -9

Green Lantern -17

Superman/Batman -75

The Flash: Fastest Man Alive -13

Batman -658

Green Lantern Corps -13

Bowoster Gold -10 (+ , ,000,000)

Green Lantern -20

Batman -675

Green Lantern -38

Green Lantern Corps -28

The Flash -237

Booster Gold -14

Batman -683


Final Crisis



Superman/Batman -87

The Flash Rebirth -6

Batman/Robin -6

Booster Gold -25

Green Lantern Corps -38

Green Lantern -41

Blackest Night

Booster Gold -31

Batman/Robin -14

Return of Bruce Wayne

Batman/Robin -17

Brightest Day

Zatanna (complete)

Booster Gold -36

Batman Inc -8

Rest of Green Lantern/Corps

Booster Gold -43


Finish GM Batman Vol. 3

Flashpoint: Beyond

Aaaand We’re Rolling!

Today, this blog has turned 12 years old! Take a look to see why I’m doing this, what I’ve done in the past, and where I’m headed in the future.

My Favorite Movies: #60-41

Sixty left to go! That means I have gone through 100 movies, which is pretty wild. I am looking forward to breaking these down! We head to the Top 50 here – getting to see -41! – Back to the Future Back to the Future should probably be higher on this list? I do…

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