My Favorite Movies: #20-11

We have arrived at the top 20 movies in my favorites list! Here, I will cover the bottom half of those 20 films. Again, these are not movies that I am claiming are the best films of all time. Instead, these are simply movies ranked by how much I enjoy watching them. There are some here that would not be nearly this high if I was attempting a ranking based on their overall quality compared to some of the movies lower on the list.

This series has been incredibly enjoyable to work through, and it will be difficult to replace it! Eventually, I will be doing this same thing, except with video games – something to look out for in the future!

For the second to last time, let’s dive into the movies.

– Storks

We’ll start by addressing the elephant in the room, and I believe the hottest take on this list. The Storks movie is one of my favorite movies of all time. In fact, on previous iterations of this list, I’ve had the gall to put it in my Top 10. This is a better place for it, but it is constantly pulling itself higher up. Storks hits every note for me. I appreciate clever dialogue and story writing that understands how not to take itself seriously. It instantly draws comparisons to Phineas and Ferb for me – when things happen in P&F that don’t make sense, it fits with the world that has been established. Not every cartoon (or live action movie/show) that doesn’t take itself seriously is good. It takes a special kind of magic to strike a balance between excellent fiction and ridiculous fiction. Few works can be both (perhaps the most notable of these being Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), and Storks manages it with ease. It is absurdist without losing its heart or ruining its story, and the conflict and stakes, while never too high, have the appropriate amount of gravity.

Where this story shines the most is its dialogue. Almost every line is delivered excellently, with a solid cast that shines brightly throughout the film. Both the main plotline (the storks delivering a baby) and the B-plot (the family awaiting the baby) have you invested and interested, and the story weaves together in a satisfying way. It also has some excellent messages about family, friendship, and children.

I also have a deeply personal connection to this film, because the first time I watched it was with my little brother on the night before my wedding. It was an incredibly special first viewing, and though I don’t think that has influenced my perception of the movie, it certainly gives it a meaning deeper than other films have for me. Now, my brother and I both have our own families, and watching this movie takes on a deeper meaning when you are thinking about the child you are now spending your life with.

– The Incredibles  

The Incredibles is not the top animated movie on this list, but it is close. It checks every box, telling an incredible (no pun intended) story in a way that is powerful and meaningful. There’s a lot going on in this film that makes it one of the best movies of all time (and this one would definitely be at least this high in a “best movies I’ve seen” list), and every time I watch it I notice something new. This movie was released back in the day where every Pixar release was an excellent movie, and this one was, in my opinion, the best film Pixar dropped.

I was actually in the camp that didn’t dislike Incredibles 2, though I acknowledge that it doesn’t quite do enough to justify its existence, and was early on during of a trend of movies that were… not the best from Pixar. But the masterpiece that is The Incredibles has held up immaculately throughout the years, its social commentary and take on superheroes just as relevant today as it was when it was released.

– The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby was a controversial film when it released, for a plethora of reasons. I am definitely kinder on book-to-movie adaptations than some, but this one I will defend vehemently as one of the best (a hot take, I know). I struggled so much with taking Toby McGuire seriously as Spider-Man that I did not think I would like him as Nick, but he was perfect casting. DiCaprio captured the heart of Gatsby with ease, and Daisy was excellent as well.

One of the most significant criticisms of this film was its music. The parties that are shown throughout the film take place in the 20s, but the portrayal of them is much more akin to modern partying. To many, this was wildly inappropriate for a movie portraying a classic novel. But I believe this movie’s goal was not just to adapt a magnificent novel to screen, but also to make a point. This novel takes place during the Roaring 20s, and highlights the wealthy socialite lifestyle that was all the rage during this time period. People were spending money like water on frivolous things, drinking with abandon, and seeking things that felt good rather than things that would bring them true joy or happiness. Sound familiar? With modern music and emulating today’s atmosphere with the parties, I believe this director was making a point – the vapid lifestyle of the 20s is back with a vengeance in today’s world. The culture that is pervasive in The Great Gatsby is still pervasive today, and still just as destructive. The message stood firm when it was released, and still remains relevant today.

– Avengers: Endgame  

Avengers: Endgame is an enigma of a movie. For starters, this was possibly one of the best theater experiences of the new century. A saga that started in 2008 met its climactic end in Endgame, and this movie tied the bow nicely on the characters the world had fallen in love with. There are scenes in this movie that are cinematic history now because of how incredible they were. It checked almost every box. And yet… it wasn’t perfect. Infinity War set a bar so high that Endgame couldn’t help but play second fiddle. After the hype dies down, after the emotional ending of the film plays out, after the viewers say goodbye to over a decade of high-grossing historic films, and you look back on this film, the Swiss cheese plotline becomes more and more apparent. The handwavey time travel, the recharacterization of Thanos into a “bad guy who is bad” villain… these things keep this movie from being on my top ten. But only barely, because despite all of this, this film is amazing, and remains one of my favorite movies of all time.

There are just so many things to love about Endgame. It struck a balance between humor and good storytelling, and you felt for the characters as they attempted to revert the destruction wrought in Infinity War. There were a ton of characters that felt like they were utilized well, and the story paced excellently. This is one I will rewatch again and again, despite its flaws.

– Clue  

Clue is another movie that has excellent, snappy writing and fun dialogue. It is an interesting film because it was originally released with three separate endings. Watch the movie with only one of three endings, and it is… not actually a great film. A good movie needs a solid ending to be considered great, and each of these endings independently are a bit lacking. Combine all three together though, and the movie shines. This is how it was released after its tenure in the theaters, and this is the best way to watch it.

This movie is held together by some incredible writing – the story is simple, but the dialogue is excellent. There are a few bits that go on a bit too long, but overall it is a movie that is easy to watch again and again.

– The Prestige  

The Prestige is a movie best not discussed until one has seen it. The reasons that I love it will be obvious after you watch it – go and do that. It is an incredible Christpher Nolan movie – one of his best. All I will say about the story itself is that it is about magicians, and that it will leave you with a lot to think about.

– The Iron Giant  

One of the most underrated animated movies – The Iron Giant is a funny and heartwarming period piece that tells a story about fear of the unknown. It has a cast of excellent characters and a message that makes you think. The movie takes place during the height of the Cold War, after the launch of Sputnik, showcasing for a new generation the fear that existed during that time period. It tends to get overshadowed by Disney films and modern animation, but it shouldn’t be – it is better than most animated movies that have been made during its lifetime.

– Your Name.

Speaking of underrated movies that do not get enough attention, Your Name. is a film by Makato Shinkai, and it is easily his best. His other films are good, but Your Name. is something special. It is available in the original Japanese and has an excellent English dub with a fantastic voice cast, and it tells a fascinating story. It is emotional and powerful, and its messages about life, love, and identity are beautiful and enduring. This is a movie that you will not soon forget after viewing.

– Knives Out  

Knives Out is a recent film, only released 5 years ago in 2019 (it feels much more recent, however). This movie took me off-guard in the best ways, creating a subversive masterpiece that I have watched again and again, always finding new things that I did not notice on previous viewings. It is an excellent story, with a fantastic cast – the best of the recent “throw a bunch of celebrities into a murder mystery” genre (all five of which have been on my top 160), and it somehow takes an original spin on a few classic murder mystery tropes.

– Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can is a satisfying film. Loosely based off the life of Frank Abagnale Jr. (though recently the authenticity of this narrative has been called into question), this movie is the second one on this list of ten films that stars Leonardo DiCaprio (and, amusingly, Leonardo DiCaprio playing a conman). He is joined by Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken in an incredible story about family and relationships. It is full of excellent performances, twists and turns, and emotional story beats that keep you invested for the entire runtime. Frank’s con-filled exploits are engaging and result in some phenomenal, memorable scenes. It is a whirlwind of a movie that I have and will rewatch again and again throughout the years.

And there we have it! Only 10 more to go!! What movies do you think will be in the top 10? Let me know in the comments below.


  1.  Avatar

    I’m beginning to think the one I’m waiting for is not going to be here 😄


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