DC – 1986-2008: The Beginning of My Ambitious Journey

I have always loved DC comics. I have watched hundreds of episodes of DC cartoons, and watched most of the DC movies that have been released. I love Marvel as well, but I grew up in a household where Batman was the hero, and he was my favorite for many, many years. At the end of high school, I had my first real experience with the comic book world, reading The Dark Knight Returns. It was mind-blowing for me, opening up a whole new world. My next comic was Kingdom Come, with incredible art by Alex Ross. Then, I got to college, and became close friends with a veritable encyclopedia of all things comic book related – shows, movies, games, and, of course, the comics themselves. That is when I began collecting classic stories, beginning to build what had become one of my most extensive personal collections.

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A few years later and I was introduced to the Omnibus, massive volumes that look super impressive on the shelf and contain a significant number of issues. Suddenly, reading entire runs of classic comics was attainable, and I dug in, my collection ballooning. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and even Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novels flooded my shelves (which I reviewed recently in a two-part series: Part One and Part Two), and I started reading them, devouring the content within.

The first omnibus I started reading was Geoff John’s Green Lantern Volume 1, and I learned something about my personality. I loved the book so much that I read 75% of that 1.2k page volume in just two days. Then, I panicked – worried that I was going to get through it too fast, and decided to take it slower. 4 years later, and I still haven’t picked it up again. I got so concerned with savoring the story that I stopped reading it. It is similar to saving your favorite thing for last when you are eating, and then being too full to enjoy it (which is something I do also).

Now, I am finally going to read all of the stuff I own (and some that I have digital copies of) (at least from DC), and go issue by issue through some of the best comics out there. For those literate in these types of things – my soft start point is Crisis on Infinite Earths, and my endpoint is Flashpoint (I am not moving into New 52). Generally, that means I’m starting in 1986 and ending in 2008, doing a best-of run. I have a little bit before, and a little bit after (I will post a link to my reading list below).

Why am I bringing this up? To give you some context as I start to write some reviews of DC material – some mainstream, some obscure. I am hoping to review most of the stuff I read here, as I explore this strange and exciting era in comic book history.

Specific List with Reading Order

General List

What are some of your favorite comics/runs/stories? Are there any that should be added to this list? Let me know what runs or events you are most interested in seeing reviews about!

Related Reading


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